Balance work

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Balance work is essential for the elderly. Too often they fall, break bones in their legs that have been getting more osteoporotic for years resulting in a loss of mobility and the need to go into care at great expense and some lost quality of life. I say this to stress the importance of developing your brain’s sensitivity to balance. Water can be supportive. You don’t need a walking stick in the water. The water does not break your bones if you lose your balance. It is the place for your brain to learn to balance. Practise before it becomes a problem. Practise jumping and jogging so that the vibration strengthens your bones.


1 Side step warm up

The sideways step is to warm up and improves a sense of balance. Stand up straight with feet apart. Step sideways lifting your knee as comfortably as you can on its way next to the other leg. Then lift other leg away from its partner. Do these movements slowly.


2 Warm up with cross over walk for balance

This video illustrates 5 exercises. First there is walking forward along the blue line, sometimes called the tight rope. Then backwards also trying to keep to the blue line. Thirdly there is a sideways walk. Coming back she uses the leg over sideways step. Finally there is the lateral leg raise holding the side of the pool for balance. Floats may be used for the walks as is felt necessary; but try without the floats if you can.


3 Walking in a straight line for balance

To warm up walk on toes, heels and in a straight line (tight rope).


4 Walking and warm up for balance

When walking forward touch down with heel to begin with first. When walking backward touch down first with toes. Use floats for balance as necessary. As in the previous video start this an erect posture using your back muscles. Then take high steps.


5 Single leg stand

Stand on one leg as long as you can. Only use floats if necessary.


6 Lower back stretch

This is also a warm up exercise to get your hips moving and develop balance.


7 Balance on noodle with leg kicks

Sit with a straight back sitting on the woggle and make sure you are stable and balanced before kicking legs. Use two or three woggles, but keep your thighs below the water. This exercise can also be done lying on the corner of the pool. To work harder move faster.


8 Develop hip, leg, balance and flexibility

Stand up straight. If it is difficult to hold that upright posture on one leg while moving the other, stand with your back to the wall so that the wall acts as a guide. Lift your knee as high as you can. Then stretch it in front of you and slowly lower it until your heel touches the floor. Practise once more than is comfortable.


9 Squats

Stand on two legs apart at the width of your hips. Squat down and stand up slowly. Make this harder by standing in shallower water. Then try with one leg. The water will support you a bit. Hold something (e.g. floats) to help balance when necessary.


10 High knee walk for balance

Walk forwards and backwards lifting your knee as high as you can when you move your leg. Take it slowly so that you can to concentrate on your balance. Try to feel what it is like to balance so that your brain learns that feeling. 


11 Tight-rope walk and jogging on the spot

Can you walk the tight rope and jog on the line without looking?


12 Inflate your chest, balance and relax

To float unaided, let your lungs behave like a balloon. Raising your arms above your head helps to expand your chest. To balance at first you may need help or steady yourself with floats or touching the wall. Men have long legs and find them more difficult to raise than women. Practise arm exercises when you have established your balance.


13 Weak leg step up, strong leg step down.

Balance may be difficult when striding two steps at a time with your weaker leg. Hold on if you must, but try without. Step back and down leading with your stronger leg.


14 Balance while walking with resistance

Stand up straight walk forwards, backwards, sideways, slowly lifiting your knee more than feels natural. Large flippers will test your balance, hip and thigh muscles. Use floats to maintain balance. See practice of a lateral lift at the end.


15 Balance control whilst relaxing

When you’ve done all that, just relax with the perfect position in the water.